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The value added improvement – Impact?

At the heart of lean manufacturing, it’s all about eliminating waste through continuous improvement. So this means we should be looking at every single process, every single day with an eye for making it better. A great guideline is to work towards making everything easier, better, faster, cheaper. And in that order. But there is […]

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If it’s easy, why does it seem so hard !

I would be willing to bet if I asked you to head into the shop on a Saturday afternoon and build me one or two of the things your factory produces whether it be cabinets, furniture, or custom millwork, what you make doesn’t really matter.  And probably just the thought of going in with no […]

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Genchi Genbutsu

You wouldn’t have to study lean manufacturing very long before you came across the word Gemba. Japanese phrases are very common in the lean world mostly because Lean has been popularized by Toyota in the Toyota production system which originated in Japan. Gemba is simply where the work happens. To find the actual Gemba, you […]

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Ever wonder why your business isn’t doing as well as it should?

Ever wonder why your business isn’t doing as well as it should? I don’t think it’s possible to be responsible for any business department or work cell and not have the question why come up at least a few times a day. why did that machine break? Why won’t people listen to me? Why aren’t we […]

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Here is where Lean and TOC meet…. It all boils down to one word!

For anyone who is working, I think it’s probably safe to say we are always on the lookout for a book and article or even some sage words that are going to help us do our job easier, better, faster, cheaper. (And if you’re clever, in that order) There are so many management philosophies I […]

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Sequencing are you getting just what you need, or what you really want?

There are inherent sequences built into our world. And it seems to me that when things are done out of the sequence we all look at it and say that’s ridiculous [see video]. But the phenomenon noted here only applies when the sequence flat out fails if it’s done in the wrong order. If there […]

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Just stop! You’re probably over producing (and by probably, I mean you are)

We all know how critical it is to understand the eight deadly wastes of manufacturing. They are: Transportation Inventory Motion Waiting Overprocessing Overproduction Defects Unused employee creativity In a nut shell, all the bad things that happen in our factories fall into one of these categories. Believe it or not, all eight of these are […]

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We’re All Human

If you have a shop with more than one person in it i’m willing to bet there isn’t more than a four hour stretch where you don’t see a mistake happening, find a mistake that happened, or find yourself making a mistake. Typically, when mistakes are mentioned to the poor person who made it, the […]

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Don’t Be Them!

Just recently I spoke to a friend who had started their lean adventure back in 2015. It was so great to catch up with them, everyone has an interesting story and this was no exception. After getting all the personal stuff and gossip all caught up, naturally the conversation turned to business. This fellow owns […]

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Blame the Process, Not the People

Do you have a people problem………………or a process problem?   It doesn’t seem to matter where I go, the story is the same from all business owners “its impossible to find good people”.   I’m sure we can all relate to this story.  You have a manufacturing plant full of people, they are all scurrying […]

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